Academics » Assessments


Student progress is monitored regularly through a variety of formative and summative assessments in language development, mathematics, and language arts, science and social studies in Spanish and English. These assessments are administered weekly, bi-weekly and/or monthly to measure student progress.
The effectiveness of the Dual Language Immersion Program can be measured by student mastery of Common Core and Language State Standards. Data collected from such assessments will be shared with students and families and utilized by teachers to plan and inform instruction. In addition, these assessments are used to measure common core mastery that provides teachers’ with the evidence needed to complete student report cards.
The one pager outlines the assessments used to monitor student academic and language acquisition progress in both English and Spanish languages. Working in partnership with our families, it is important for them to understand that these assessments are used to support teacher planning and most importantly for our families to know how they can support at home